Systems and Computing Engineering

Educational purpose of the program

To prepare professionals in Systems and Computing Engineering qualified to plan, design, develop, implement and manage computational solutions to technological, information management, knowledge and communications problems, according to the needs and concerns of the country.

Program Educational Objectives

  • Graduates show permanent academic interest, which guarantees them to be updated in established technologies and to learn emerging technologies, adapting and
    implementing them effectively in organizations.
  • Graduates contribute to the transformation of organizational processes through their engineering knowledge to obtain competitive advantages in companies.
  • Graduates work in positions that allow them to make decisions in the formulation, planning, management, supervision and control of multidisciplinary projects, providing knowledge from the area of computer science, information systems and communications.

Student Outcomes

  • SO1. Identifies, formulates and solves complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  • SO2. Applies engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  • SO3. Communicates effectively and assertively with different audiences.
  • SO4. Determines ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations based on informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, cultural and societal contexts.
  • SO5. Effectively participates in teams that create collaborative and inclusive environments, plan, establish goals and strategies to achieve them, through effective
  • SO6. Develops and conducts appropriate experimentation, analyzes and interprets data, and uses engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  • SO7. Acquires and applies new knowledge using appropriate self-learning strategies.

Professional Profile

The Systems and Computing Engineer graduated from the Universidad de Caldas will be a qualified professional with competencies to:

  • Identify and contribute to the solution of problems and support the achievement of strategic objectives in organizations using consolidated or state-of-the-art information technologies.
  • Analyze, design, implement and manage IT-based systems and infrastructures.
  • Adapt emerging technologies for the analysis, design and implementation of computational solutions.
  • Take full advantage of the resources of a computer system, making use of both software and hardware to support data processing.
  • Demonstrate the ability to work in interdisciplinary teams, practicing their profession with leadership, promoting social, community and regional development, considering the ethical implications of their professional performance.

Applicant Profile

People with a high school education with mathematical skills, leadership, teamwork, innovative and with morally upright.

  • Denominación del Programa: Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación
  • Título que Otorga: Ingeniero(a) en Sistemas y Computación
  • Créditos académicos: 175
  • Nivel de Formación: Profesional
  • Metodología / Dedicación: Presencial / Tiempo completo
  • Código SNIES: 11268
  • Resolución de Registro Calificado N° 12428 del 31 de Julio de 2018, por 7 años
  • Resolución Acreditación de Alta Calidad N° 18063 del 28 de Septiembre de 2020, por 6 años
  • Jornada: Diurna
  • Lugar de oferta: Manizales
  • Valor de la inscripción: 0,097 SMMLV
  • Valor de la matrícula: Por estudio socioeconómico
  • Descuento: 10% por votación

¿Necesitas Más Información?

    En cumplimiento de lo definido en la ley 1581 de 2012, el Decreto Reglamentario 1377 de 2013 y demás normas que la modifiquen, adicionen, complementen o desarrollen, se le informa que los datos personales que se suministren en este formato, serán tratados mediante el uso y mantenimiento de medidas de seguridad técnicas, físicas y administrativas, con el fin de impedir que terceros no autorizados accedan a los mismos, lo anterior de conformidad a lo definido en la ley.

    Por lo anterior, autorizo expresamente a la Universidad de Caldas para el uso de mis datos personales diligenciados en este formato.


    Students enrolled and graduated information

    • Enrolled students
    • Graduates

    Consulta la Normativa de Inscripción

    Actos internos e incrementos
    Estatuto General U. de caldas
    Reglamento Estudiantil U. de caldas


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